Viking Cheer Squads
For ALL SQUADS, there are two practices per week, with games on weekends. Itty Bitty cheer is for ages 4-5 and will start at two practices per week, but at the coach's discretion may drop down to one practice per week.
SMURFS: (Grades K & 1)
This squad teaches introductory level cheerleading with basic skills and sportsmanship. Tumbling, jumping, stunting and dance skills are at the beginner level.
PEE WEES: (Grades 2 & 3)
This squad teaches advanced beginner level cheerleading, with an emphasis on refining and improving basic skills. Tumbling, jumping, stunting and dance skills are at the advanced beginner level.
PONIES: (Grades 4 & 5)
This squad teaches intermediate level cheerleading with an increased level of advancement in skills. Tumbling, stunting and dance skills begin to increase in level of difficulty.
MIDGETS: (Grades 6, 7, & 8)
This is an advanced squad with the highest level of difficulty in tumbling, jumping, stunting and dance skills.